Hi, I’m Tammatha

I coach forward thinking Accounting Professionals to grow their businesses, feel comfortable using social media and find client’s they want to work with.

Since 1992

I’ve been one of those lucky entrepreneurs that knew there was more to owning an accounting business than pushing paper.

There are some that hang a shingle, throw around a few business cards, possibly send a few letter’s to business owners and think that is all there is to it. 

This is where I come in.  After building a successful 7 figure firm, I have learned: 

  • It’s about building your brand
  • finding the right tools
  • using social media (not letting it use you)
  • understanding pricing that will work for you
  • and attracting the right customers to your business.  
And Why a Coach?

An Investment for Growth

The purpose of a coaching relationship is to help the student tap into the existing knowledge, skills and experience of high performing individuals.  The goals and outcomes of coaching will differ depending on the relationship, but ultimately the essential purpose is the same. 

Create a strategy that moves you forward toward your goals and implement a sure fire action plan that moves the needle in your business. 

Some Fun Facts

  • There is nothing that makes me happier than seeing my students succeed in reaching their goals.  The excitement, the laughs and the pride makes my day…. every time.
  • I’m a big believer in life balance.  And this is why I spend time on the golf course every week.  Yes, it’s a great way to exercise, but it’s also a great place to plan.
  • I have always wanted to own a home on the East Coast of Canada.  And I will.
  • You will find me out and about with my co-hort George!
  • I am the wife of a loving husband, a mother to five and a nana to four lovely babes.  Family means so much to me.
  • I am a believer that taking time from your business is just as important as working on your business.  This gives you the energy and the drive to make the big decisions.

Now it’s your turn to tell me a little about yourself. 

If you are an accounting professional that wants a business that fulfills you emotionally and financially, if you are ready to grow and if you are ready to work smarter not harder then we need to chat.


It’s time for you to book your Free Trial Session with me.